Reading up and being informed about the condition has made me feel more confident to speak up early

Reading up and being informed about the condition has made me feel more confident to speak up early

Reading up and being informed about the condition has made me feel more confident to speak up early

If someone does react badly and makes you feel unwanted because you have Crohn’s or Colitis, consider whether they are really the sort of person you want to spend time with.

Finally, remember that, even if there are times when you feel overwhelmed and embarrassed by your Crohn’s or Colitis, it is only one part of who you are. You, as a person, have very many other facets, and your best relationships will be those that involve you as a complete and unique individual.

Having Ulcerative Colitis and dating in the gay community can feel daunting, but I have found being upfront early on helps, because it means that I don’t have to hide my Ulcerative Colitis from anyone.

  • Living with Crohn’s or Colitis
  • Fatigue
  • Taking medicines
  • Bowel incontinence
  • Living with a stoma

Health professionals can order some publications in bulk by using our online ordering system. If you would like a printed copy of any of our information, please contact our helpline.

Our helpline is a confidential service providing information and support to anyone affected by Crohn’s or Colitis. Our team can:

  • Help you understand more about Crohn’s or Colitis, diagnosis and treatment options
  • Provide information to help you to live well with your condition
  • Help you understand and access disability benefits
  • Be there to listen if you need someone to talk to
  • Help you to find support from others living with the condition

Crohn’s & Colitis UK forum

This closed-group community on Facebook is for everyone affected by Crohn’s or Colitis. You can share your experiences and receive support from others.

Crohn’s & Colitis UK patient panels

Patient panels, which are supported by Crohn’s & Colitis UK, are groups of people with Crohn’s or Colitis who use their perspective as a patient to work with their IBD team to help improve their hospital services. For more information on patient panels, please contact our Patient Engagement Team.

Crohn’s & Colitis UK Local Networks

Our Local Networks of volunteers across the UK organise events and provide opportunities to get to know other people in an informal setting, as well as to get involved with educational, awareness-raising and fundraising activities. You may find just being with other people and realising that you are not alone can be reassuring. Families and relatives may also find it useful to meet other people with Crohn’s or Colitis. All events are open to members of Crohn’s & Colitis UK.


Your stoma care nurse will be able to help you with support, advice and practical tips. These ple, ensuring the bag is empty before you have sex, swapping it for a much smaller bag or using a decorative cover. You may also find it useful to contact a specialist patient organisation such as the Ileostomy and Pouch Support Group (IA) or Colostomy UK.

Some people with Crohn’s or Colitis become depressed (see the Depression section) and take anti-depressants. These medicines have been linked to impotence problems. Methotrexate, an immunosuppressive medicine sometimes prescribed for Crohn’s or Colitis, has also been linked to impotence.

One of the best ways to deal with these sorts of fears is to talk about them. This may not be easy. Many people find it very difficult to talk openly about sexual matters, regardless of whether or not they have an illness such as Crohn’s or Colitis. But, discussing your fears and worries with your partner can often relieve a lot of anxiety and greatly improve mutual understanding. Also, the more you are able to talk about your concerns to your partner, the more relaxed you are likely to feel. It may help to alleviate their worries, as they might be concerned too, for example, about hurting you. If you shut your partner out from what you are thinking and feeling, they might feel rejected or think they have done something wrong. Sharing your feelings can reassure them and help them to feel a part of what’s going on in both of your lives.

You could try thinking about a difficult conversation you’ve had in the past – and the ways you approached this. You can use the same techniques to tell your partner about your Crohn’s or Colitis.

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